Advancements in Period Product Accessibility in New Jersey

Yesterday, on August 23, 2024, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed a bill (S-1221, A-1349) to provide access to free menstrual products for students in grades 6-12. To prioritize the educational needs of New Jersey students, applicable schools will be required to provide menstrual products in “at least half of all their female and gender-neutral bathrooms.” Additionally, with this bill, the state will cover all costs incurred by a school district supplying bathrooms with free menstrual products. 

Furthermore, the New Jersey Department of Education and the New Jersey Department of Health will work in tandem to ensure the needs of menstruators in grades 6-12 are sufficiently addressed. This legislation actually further builds upon Governor Murphy’s efforts to bolster menstrual health equity and access in New Jersey; in 2019, his administration spearheaded an effort for menstrual products to be available free-of-charge for incarcerated women. 

Governor Murphy’s “visionary” initiative was met with significant support throughout the state, including from Dr. Angelica Allen-McMillan (Acting Commissioner of Education), Dr. Kaitlin Baston (Acting Health Commissioner), Senate Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz, Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera, Senator Vin Gopal, Assemblywoman Carol Murphy, Angela McKnight, and multiple students across the state. 

All in all, the passage of S1221/A1349 is a critical step toward ameliorating the inherent inequalities borne by menstruators. It is imperative that such legislation is spearheaded in all 50 states to truly mark a significant step toward equality. 



Adequate Education about periods and menstruation is severely lacking in the United States 


Day 4 - Analyzing Research Papers