The Elea Project Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Panel Event


  • Global Village Project

  • DIVAS Who Win

  • Georgia STOMP

  • UGA Period Project

General Information:

The panel will take place on Zoom from 9am-10:45am on June 29th, 2023. 

Meeting will be recorded for viewers on The Elea Project YT channel. To raise awareness of the panel, please feel free to disseminate the YT link on websites, social media, newsletters, etc. and repost upcoming informational posts from @theeleaproject on Instagram. 


  • Menstrual hygiene management/Reforms to make period products more accessible 

  • Challenges and best practices on latest development on topic

  • Human Rights

  • Reproductive Health

  • Gender Equality

  • Legislation

    • Ex. Human Rights Resolutions 

    • Tampon Tax

  • Advocacy Efforts

  • Menstrual Product Access in Schools + Public Settings

  • Case studies/published statistics regarding disadvantages women face due to lack of proper education regarding menstrual hygiene

  • Role of social media + news outlets in outreach

Objective: Enable environment where young women are able to make informed decisions about their menstrual health

Opening Statement: 5 minutes (END: 9:05am)

Introductions: Short Presentations (slides not mandatory :) (END: 10:00am)

Presentation Order:

  • Global Village Project (START: 9:10am)

  • Divas Who Win (START: 9:25am)

  • Georgia STOMP (START: 9:40am)

  • UGA Period Project (START: 9:55am)

Q and A (round the table discussion): (END:10:40am)

Concluding Remarks: (10:40am-10:45am)


  • What are the most eminent barriers of access facing women and girls in equitable menstrual hygiene and issues in the realm of menstrual health access? (ex. Harmful gender stereotypes and stigma surrounding natural biological processes including menstruation)?

  • How can we ensure that this matter is kept on the global agenda and is adequately addressed by our society and government, alike?

  • What impacts do the stigma and shame generated by stereotypes around menstruation have on aspects of women’s and girl’s human rights (ex. Health, housing, water, sanitation, safe and healthy working conditions, taking part in cultural and public life without discrimination)?

  • What are some ways to raise awareness for this issue that have not been given enough thought? And, how can we systemically tackle issues such as stigmatization, lack of access to menstrual health education for both males and females, limited school attendance and job opportunities, and lack of access to period products on a regular basis?

  • What are examples of legislation that have not yet been employed that could greatly advance this cause?

  • Do you believe current advocacy efforts have been effective in spreading awareness to all people - not just female menstruators who can relate to this situation - and if not, how can they be improved or made more effective to reach a wider audience (ex. Garnering more support for rallies at state legislatures)?

Some great resources:

IG: theeleaproject

Zoom link will be posted in bio on day of event! Stay tuned and follow along for this wonderful opportunity!


International Strides in Period Equity: UN Human Rights Council Resolution


UGAPeriod + ProjectRed @ UGA x The Elea Project